Preaching Outside the Safety Zone?

As we approach the new year and are thinking through the possibilities in 2008, let us think about possibilities for ministry outside the safety zone of our own pulpits.  Depending on what country you live in, and your network of contacts, there may be possibilities to serve in other strategic settings as well as your own.

You probably have not been invited to be chaplain to the US Senate recently, but perhaps push some doors in the local government?  Then if you are outside the US, what about local schools?  In the UK there are many Religious Education teachers more than happy to let others teach class for them!  What about prisons, retirement communities, hospitals, etc?

Now we should temper any zeal with wisdom.  It may be that you would do more harm than good in some settings – ask those who know you and love you enough to tell you if that might be the case!  Some chaplains get specialized training for a reason.  However, there are community ministry opportunities that may be begging for the input of a sensitive, yet bold, minister of the Word.  Perhaps we should consider pushing some doors and stepping out of the safety zone once or twice in 2008?  Your network of contacts includes the ultimate One, the One who can open doors and use us beyond our wildest imaginations! Pray about it, and if you see an opportunity then push the door, our Lord can always close it if He prefers.

One thought on “Preaching Outside the Safety Zone?

  1. I remember Vaughan Roberts saying that the traditional form of ministry had been 1 man, in 1 place, preaching 1 time per week. What we need now is multiple ministers, in multiple (and sometimes untraditional locations) preaching multiple times per week. Keller sometimes says something similar.

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